Frequently Asked Questions

What is the hotel information?

For all those attending the wedding, you should have already heard from us regarding hotel accommodations. If you plan on coming and have not yet discussed hotel accommodations with us, please reach out!

What is the plan for the weekend?

Please visit The Plan page on our website for details. As we get closer to the wedding, more information will be provided on our website and once you arrive at the hotels (if you are staying in our blocks).

Will there be transportation to and from the wedding events?

If you are staying in one of the hotel blocks, we will be providing transportation to and from all wedding events. We will share specific pick up timing for each hotel as the wedding gets closer!

Should I rent a car?

This depends on the length of your stay and how much you want to do outside of the wedding events. If you want to explore on your own during the day on Saturday or Sunday before the wedding events begin each day , or you plan on staying in Mallorca before or after our wedding weekend, we would recommend renting one. If you are okay relaxing at the hotel pool in between events, you most likely do not need one.

If I am not renting a car, are there taxis or car services recommended?

Taxis are available at the airport and throughout Palma. Uber is available but not as reliable. Most restaurants, hotels, and establishments should also be able to call you one as needed. When at the wedding hotels, we recommend working with the hotel directly to arrange any car services.

Are children invited to the wedding?

Unfortunately, we can only accommodate children of immediate family at the wedding. If you are traveling with children and are interested in a babysitting service for any of our events, please reach out.

What should I wear?

For all wedding event attire, please visit The Plan page of our website. The weather in Mallorca can range from 59 to 80 degrees so keep that in mind while packing!