
October 18-21, 2024

On March 11, 2020, we walked away from our 3rd date without any clue that our 4th one wouldn’t be until July. We spoke about the NBA season suspension, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson being the first public figures to test positive for COVID, and Love Is Blind.

Over next 132 days, Alana spent lockdown in New Jersey and Charleston, Sam survived lockdown in the East Village and eventually Brooklyn Heights. And we both created a new meaning for the word “pen pal”.

From that 4th date in July 2020 where we sipped on rosé 6 feet apart on the grass of the West Side Highway, we began building our book of adventures and haven’t stopped since - slowly meeting family and friends, road tripping wherever we could, attempting to not get frostbite from outdoor dining, evolving our taste in masks, and even taking our first flight together.

In June 2023, we made it official that we were going to continue adventuring together forever and we would love for you to join us for the most special adventure of them all - our wedding in Spain!

Save the weekend!

We can’t wait to do the hora in Mallorca with you!